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Arlington: Two-family home purchase project

Sponsor: Housing Corporation of Arlington

Arlington Hca 2 Family Effort

Loan Approved: October 21, 2004

MHP committed over $1.9 million in financing to help the Housing Corp. of Arlington (HCA) preserve 12 affordable rental apartments in Arlington.

TYPE: Preservation

WHERE: 118 Rawson Road; 40-42 Dorothy Road and 36-38 Sherborn Street, Arlington.

WHAT: The preservation of six, two-family buildings that might otherwise have been lost to market.

AFFORDABILITY: All units will be affordable at 60 percent AMI.

MHP FINANCING: A $1,107,439 first mortgage and a $875,000 deferred-payment second mortgage.

RENTAL INFORMATION: Housing Corp. of Arlington (HCA), 781-316-3429.

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