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Our Portfolio Management team is with you for the long run

Our experienced Portfolio Management team (PM) will work with you from the day your loan is closed to the day you pay it off.

Our staff values the success of your project. We pride ourselves on our knowledge of the projects we finance and the collaborative relationships we foster with our borrower and management company contacts. Our team is accessible, and we will work with you to navigate the financing and risk issues facing your project.

Our portfolio managers have a hand in virtually every element of your loan’s administration. The same person who conducts a site visit at your property also reviews your project’s financial statements and other reporting requirements, analyzes your escrow account needs, and regularly reviews your loan. While many lenders outsource these tasks, we believe that our hands-on approach affords us an unparalleled familiarity with your project and leads to a better customer experience.

Our PM staff has experience across a wide range of project and financing types, from large-scale apartment buildings to small triple-deckers and rural developments, and from suburban Chapter 40B projects to low-income tax credit financing and tax-exempt bond financing.

Our staff also has expertise in affordability and fair housing compliance, energy efficiency improvements, and trends in affordable housing performance. No two projects are the same, and we will take the time to understand the specific dynamics at play at your property.

In 2021, our team collaborated with the state to launch the Subsidized Housing Emergency Rental Assistance Program (SHERA), which which provides local housing authorities and qualified owners of affordable rental housing with an expedited path to apply for federal emergency rental assistance on behalf of income-eligible tenants who have fallen behind on their rents during COVID-19.

For more information, contact Director of Portfolio Management Cynthia Mohammed at or 857-317-8563.

Reporting resources and forms:

MHP reporting requirements are driven by the real world, and our portfolio managers will bring their deep familiarity with your project to the table whenever they review your reporting requirements. If you are an MHP borrower and you have a question about your reporting requirements, please contact your portfolio manager, or call 617-330-9955 to speak with a member of our team. We are happy to send you a reporting schedule for your loan(s).

Not every project has the same reporting requirements. Borrowers should consult their loan agreement for their specific requirements. Below are some sample forms and templates for a few of our most common reporting obligations: