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New MHP program provides new source of capital for downtown revitalization

Financing for mixed-use developments on more flexible terms than is normally available

BOSTON, May 21, 2014 --- In its ongoing effort to promote the revitalization of low-income neighborhoods, the Massachusetts Housing Partnership (MHP) is now offering a New Markets Tax Credit Lending Program, thus providing a new source of capital for the redevelopment of downtown buildings into housing with some commercial or retail space.




Main South CDC continues neighborhood rebuild

WORCESTER --- A different type of revival is happening off Main Street as you head out of downtown Worcester. Since the late 1990s, the Main South CDC has partnered with the city and Clark University to raze or fix problem properties, develop 160 new homes, a new Boys & Girls Club and do cleanup work on a site that will become athletic fields.




Governor marks latest milestone in Chelsea's Box District

CHELSEA, May 14, 2014 --- The remaking of an abandoned industrial area known as the Box District marked another milestone recently as Gov. Deval Patrick was on hand to celebrate the completion of the Flats at 44 Gerrish and to help break ground on an abutting development that will be known as the Flats at 22 Gerrish.