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Brockton marks opening of downtown apartments near train

Capstone Communities turns old mill into Station Lofts; 1st step in downtown revitalization

BROCKTON, June 19, 2014 --- There were plenty of speakers on hand to point out the significance of Station Lofts on the city's downtown but the strongest statement was made by a commuter train that roared by during grand opening ceremonies.




One year after pledge, Governor shares stage with first-time buyer

Patrick delivers Compact progress report, hears ONE Mortgage success story

BOSTON, June 13, 2014 - When Gov. Deval Patrick stood on the steps of a Dorchester home last June and set new goals for helping first-time homebuyers, Angelina Goncalves was at work, taking one more step toward owning her own home.




Casa di Anna housing honors Lawrence's rich immigrant tradition

18 affordable rental homes for families named after victim of 'Bread and Roses' labor strike

LAWRENCE, June 13, 2014 --- Lawrence Community Works (LCW) used the grand opening of Casa di Anna to not only celebrate the completion of 18 new rental homes in the city's North Common neighborhood but also to remind everyone of the city's long history as a place where immigrants have come to build better lives.




VietAID finishes 27 new affordable homes on former vacant site

BOSTON, Sat, May 31, 2014 --- Mayor Martin J. Walsh joined state and local leaders on Saturday, May 31 to celebrate the grand opening of Bloomfield Gardens and to salute Viet-AID for its continuing efforts to develop affordable housing and raise the quality of life in the Fields Corner neighborhood.