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Foreclosures edge up, still off from peak 2 years ago

BOSTON, MAY 2, 2012 --- In its latest review of foreclosure data, Foreclosure Monitor reports that while foreclosure activity is up in the first quarter of 2012, the increase was not enough to overcome the overall decline in foreclosure distress from its peak of two years ago.




Lawrence: Mill transformed into commercial, affordable housing

Nonprofit LCW creates mixed-use building with office space, 60 affordable rental homes

LAWRENCE, Dec, 21, 2011 --- In this mill city's ongoing quest to preserve its history and spark an economic renaissance, one constant has been Lawrence CommunityWorks (LCW). From working with residents, new immigrants and young people to engaging with civic leaders on big picture issues like stabilizing neighborhoods, LCW has been the city's steady and consistent conscience for over 20 years.