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Housing Headlines

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Marblehead Current » Leigh Blander and Kris Olson
Marblehead: Voters reject MBTA zoning changes

MARBLEHEAD --- Residents shot down new zoning rules that would make it easier to build multifamily housing and comply with the state’s MBTA Communities law. Applause erupted as Town Meeting rejected Article 36 on a 377-410 vote. In doing so, Marblehead pushed back against the state’s Dec. 31 deadline to adopt zoning changes under the MBTA Communities Act. Finance Director Aleesha Benjamin spoke at length about state grants Marblehead could lose by voting no.




WBUR » Rupa Shenoy and Laney Ruckstuhl
Boston: Researcher says zoning impact overstated

BOSTON --- As some communities push back on the MBTA Communities law, advocates say it's a critical step toward increasing development. Luc Schuster, executive director of the Boston Indicators Research Center at the Boston Foundation, argues everyone is making a bigger deal out of the law than is warranted. "The way the law is written, it only applies to a very small percentage of land area in any given city or town."




The Boston Globe » Andrew Brinker
Milton: AG files suit for MBTA noncompliance

MILTON --- Two weeks after town voters rejected a zoning plan that would have complied with the MBTA Communities Act, Attorney General Andrea Campbell filed a lawsuit against the town. Campbell’s suit asks a judge to affirm that MBTA Communities and the guidelines created by the state’s housing office are mandatory and that Milton be given three months to pass a compliant zoning district. If the town does not meet that deadline, the suit asks a judge to prevent the town from enforcing any existing local zoning rules that are inconsistent with the town’s MBTA Communities obligation.




Boston 25 News » Stephen Peterson
Wrentham: Town may fight MBTA Communities

WRENTHAM --- Town Select Board members are considering fighting a state law that requires communities near MBTA train stations to allow more affordable housing. Wrentham is considered an MBTA Adjacent Community. Select Board members are scheduled to vote Tuesday, February 27, on whether to sign and send letters opposing the law to Gov. Maura Healey and Wrentham state house representatives. Some local officials contend the law is an unfunded mandate.




The Boston Globe » Andrew Brinker and Ava Berger
Milton: Voters overturn MBTA Communities Act

MILTON --- By a substantial margin, Milton residents voted to overturn the town’s state-mandated zoning plan. The vote represents a setback to the Healey administration’s efforts to tackle the state’s housing crisis and could also prompt legal action from the state if the town does not find a way to comply with the MBTA Communities Act. “Today’s vote is disappointing," said Governor Healey, "but we will continue to make the case for every community to embrace the opportunity that comes with creating more housing and making it more affordable for all.”




The Boston Globe » Andrew Brinker
Newton: Official nixed for support of MBTA Communities

NEWTON --- Deborah Crossley, longtime Newton city councilor had spent years working on a plan to open the city’s village centers to new housing development. Residents turned against her in the city elections in November, Crossley and two other councilors who supported the zoning plan were voted out.

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