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Housing Headlines

Showing 3787 - 3792 of 3998




Dorchester Reporter
Dorchester: Savin Hill questions height of mixed-use proposal

DORCHESTER --- A local developer has proposed to build a three story, mixed-use building on a long-vacant lot on Savin Hill Avenue, prompting commercial and residential abutters to raise concerns about the proposed height of the project and the potential increase in traffic.




Brockton Enterprise
Easton: Despite setbacks, builder pushes starter home idea

EASTON --- Easton-based developer Charles M. "Nick" Mirrione says he wants to build so-called cottage housing and address the shortage of affordable homes for first-time buyers, young professionals and single parents: so-called cottage housing. Testifying recently at the state house at the request of the legislature's joint committee on housing, Mirrione said the one and two-story bungalows of less than 1,000-square feet would sell for between $240,000 and $350,000. Recently voters in Easton and Bridgewater nixed special bylaws that would've allowed Mirrione to build upt to seven cottages on an acre.




The Cape Codder
Harwich: Like Scituate, it nixes Walpole's 40B petition

HARWICH --- Harwich selectmen turned down a written request from the town of Walpole to join an effort to suspend a state law that allows "unfriendly 40Bs." Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 40B enables the construction of affordable housing developments to be streamlined under a special comprehensive permit issued by individual towns. Walpole selectmen have sent the request to every municipality in the commonwealth.




Scituate Mariner
Scituate: Elects not to sign onto Walpole's call for 40B halt

SCITUATE --- The Walpole Board of Selectmen is proposing a moratorium on 40B development throughout the state, and is appealing to other towns for help. Scituate however, will not be signing on, as selectmen voted unanimously on June 19 not to endorse a letter from Walpole's selectmen.




Boston Globe
Lawrence: Non-profit continues rehab effort, builds 10 green units

LAWRENCE --- The North Common section of Lawrence is getting a new look this spring, thanks to the opening of 10 homeownership units with solar panels on the roof and green features throughout, that will all be affordable to low- and moderate-income families.




Jamaica Plain Gazette
Jamaica Plain: Residents turn foreclosures into opportunity

JAMAICA PLAIN --- With assistance from the non-profit City Life/Vida Urbana and funding from the City of Boston among other sources, residents have renovated five triple-decker apartments that were previously neglected by absentee landlords, into homes for 15 families, called the Rockvale Circle Cooperative.