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Housing Headlines

Showing 3673 - 3678 of 3984




Duxbury Clipper
Duxbury: Likes 20-unit cottage-style ownership 40B

DUXBURY --- All signs indicate that the Duxbury Zoning Board of Appeals will soon approve a 20-unit 40B. Known as Duxbury Farms, the project was originally proposed as a condominium development, but was changed to individual units on single-family lots after feedback from abutters.




Boston Globe
Boston: Neighborhood questions Harvard/BRA science expansion

BOSTON --- As Harvard University and the Boston Redevelopment Authority complete plans for a $1 billion science complex in North Allston, the gap between the school's and the residents' visions for the neighborhood has become clearer. Community concerns include fears that funds such as payments in lieu of taxes and a payment for affordable housing will go to the city as a whole, and that items such as public transportation and pedestrian access will mostly benefit Harvard rather than improving life for residents.




Wellesley Townsman
Wellesley: Owner may remove age restriction on condos

WELLESLEY --- The manager of a 40B condominium complex developed for people age 55 and over on Route 9 wants to ease the age restriction to widen the field of potential buyers. To date, only four of 21 market rate units have been sold.




Local Initiative Support Corporation web site
Boston: Van Meter leaves ABCDC for LISC; Nsangou named

BOSTON --- After 15 years at the Allston-Brighton Community Development Corporation, Bob Van Meter is leaving the non-profit organization to become executive director of the Local Initiative Support Corporation's Boston office. Associate Director Mary-Helen Nsangou has been named Van Meter's successor.




West Bridgewater Times
West Bridgewater: 2nd starter home plan gets cool reception

WEST BRIDGEWATER --- Two selectmen say Easton developer Nick Mirrione's attempts to push through a pair of 28-unit cottage-housing developments for first-time homebuyers defies the will of residents and hurts senior citizens of limited means.