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Housing Headlines

Showing 3547 - 3552 of 3998




The Republican
Springfield: Winn proposes $20M affordable-housing project

SPRINGFIELD --- WinnCompanies developers recently proposed a $20 million affordable-housing project at the former site of the Longhill Gardens condominiums. The 109-unit development will be financially supported with approved state and federal tax credits as well as $1.5 million in subsidies. The project has the support of the Forest Park Civic Association and Mayor Domenic Sarno, but Springfield Forward, a grassroots group, has objected to it. The developers hope to purchase the partially condemned site at an auction on December 4th at noon.




The Enterprise
Falmouth: Developers propose 40B assisted living facility

FALMOUTH --- Developers have presented an overview to selectmen of a proposed 40B "green" assisted living facility on Gifford Street. The new building will consist of 125 rental units, 25 priced as affordable, in studio, one-bedroom, or two-bedroom layouts throughout the 131,000 square feet space. The LEED-certified building will also contain amenities for the residents such as a bank and a restaurant. Selectmen look forward to a upcoming developer-led tour of the site where they will learn more about the proposal.




Lawrence Eagle-Tribune
Lawrence: Foreclosed homes get caught in ownership web

LAWRENCE --- One of the reasons why the foreclosure crisis is so hard to solve is that it takes months for a buyer to work through the tangled web of ownership that ensnares many troubled properties. Lawrence Eagle Tribune Business Editor Bill Kirk details this in examining why it took Lawrence Community Works six months to purchase a multi-family property that had been foreclosed.




The Boston Globe
Scituate: Developer requests change from condo to rental units

SCITUATE --- Stockbridge II Realty Trust recently requested a change in their 40B permit to build 48 rental units in place of the plan's proposed condominiums. The trust also requested board approval to reallocate four of the project's 18 affordable units from single-family homes to multi-family units. As an explanation for the request, a trust spokesman said, "Unfortunately, condominium projects that are based on the 'for sale' model are now considered high risk by many lenders...rental stream [projects] are seen as a safer paradigm." Neighbors are concerned that a community of rental units will decrease their housing values. The ZBA will hold a hearing on December 1 at 7 p.m. in the town's public library to discuss the proposed changes.




The Dorchester Reporter
Dorchester: Synergy unveils vision for Columbia Point

DORCHESTER --- Synergy developers have unveiled their vision for creating a new "main street" in the Columbia Point section of Boston, between the Boston Globe's newspaper plant and the JFK transit stop. The development will include at least four new side streets, 180,000 square feet of retail space, 500,000 square feet of office space, and 1,725 parking spaces. There will also be 700 units of housing, with 25 percent of those units being made affordable. The only concern that city officials and community members shared with Synergy is the possible height of the buildings making up the development.




The Herald News
Fall River: Watuppa Heights proposed units reduced

FALL RIVER --- The City Council has adopted a resolution to reduce the proposed number of rebuilt, on-site units at Watuppa Heights, from an original "minimum 60 units" to 26 affordable single-family or rental units. All but two of the units will be made available to households with incomes below 30 percent of the area's median income. An unspecified number of additional units will be built with prices that stress affordability. The resolution also ensured a reduction in the city's financial commitment of grants funds to make off-site housing affordable, in addition to the elimination of their requirement to supply land for additional units.