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Housing Headlines

Showing 259 - 264 of 3998




The Patriot Ledger » Jessica Trufant
Weymouth: OKs zoning, affordable incentive

WEYMOUTH --- The town council approved zoning changes for the Jackson Square neighborhood, including an incentive for developers to include affordable housing. Developers willing to commit to designating 10% of their housing units as affordable can seek approval from the zoning board of appeals for an additional floor that is 75 percent of the area of the floor below it.




Medfield blog » Pete Peterson (select board member)
Medfield: OKs 334 units at state hospital site

MEDFIELD --- Filling the local news void, Select Board Member Osler "Pete" Peterson reports in his blog that voters at special town meeting were virtually unanimous in approving Trinity Financial's plan to build 334 mixed-income rental apartments in the existing buildings at the former Medfield State Hospital site. An estimated 800 residents attended the meeting, spread out in the gym, the library and a tent outside.



2022 » Christen Kelly
Winchester: OKs 60 apartments across from train

WINCHESTER --- After years of discussion that included a yes vote followed by a citizen petition no vote, Town Meeting finally gave its OK to transform a downtown parking lot across from the commuter rail into a 60-unit apartment building. The breakthrough included developer Civico responding to town feedback by adding more parking and increasing the number of affordable apartments to 40 at 60 percent of area median income.




Patch » Scott Souza
Swampscott: Nearing OK on 114 apartments near rail

SWAMPSCOTT --- The Swampscott Zoning Board of Appeals appears close to approving a Ch. 40B land use permit that would allow WinnCompanies to build 114 mixed-income apartments on a former construction yard site near the town's commuter rail. The approval - which could come as early as June - would come after several contentious public meetings in which the developers agreed to scale back their proposal from 128 to 114 units, add parking and widen an entrance from the site to the Swampscott Rail Trail.




Worcester Telegram » Cyrus Moulton
Worcester: Inclusionary proposal to get public hearing

WORCESTER --- Looking to counter a housing development pipeline that is generating mostly market-rate housing, city councilors unanimously referred an inclusionary zoning plan forward for a public hearing, after a public discussion in which many spoke in favor of the idea. At the meeting, the chief development officer for the city, Peter Dunn, presented a proposal requiring that all new multifamily rental or for-sale developments of 12 units or more include 15 percent of habitable square footage at 80 percent of area median income or 10 percent at 60 percent of area median income.




Revere Journal
Revere: Mayor floats inclusionary zoning proposal

REVERE --- In an effort to increase affordable housing in the city, Mayor Brian Arrigo is proposing a new inclusionary zoning ordinance that would require developments of six units or more to set aside 12 percent of the units as affordable. Other details of the proposal include reduced parking requirements, especially for new housing built within 1/2 mile of transit. The mayor was set to present the ordinance to the city council for consideration on May 23.