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Housing Headlines

Showing 247 - 252 of 3998




Michael Cronin
Manchester: Weighs OK for 136 mixed-income apartments

MANCHESTER --- With the final public hearing behind them, the Zoning Board of Appeals has begun deliberations on the request for a comprehensive permit by Strategic Land Ventures, which has proposed to build 136 apartments in an area known as Shingle Hill. In the final meeting, over 125 attended via zoom and all who spoke asked the ZBA to deny the project. ZBA Chair Sarah Mellish acknowledged resident concerns but also stated a denial will “likely” be overturned by the state's Housing Appeals Committee, which would mean the town would have no input on the project, including the many environmental protection waivers requested by SLV.




The Eagle Tribune » Jill Harmacinski
Lawrence: Affordable homes to be built with ARPA funds

LAWRENCE --- Local legislators announced that $100,000 in American Rescue Plan Act funds will be used by Essex County Habitat for Humanity, which is building two affordable homes in Lawrence. The Department of Housing and Community Development allocation to Habitat will fund construction of the foundation for the homes and purchase of cabinets, doors, flooring, and other building materials.




Salem News » Caroline Enos
Peabody: Developer seeks 40B, expanded zoning

PEABODY --- Developer Ed Greeley is seeking a Ch. 40B comprehensive land use permit from the city in order to redevelop a mill building into 45 mixed-income apartments while at the same time asking the city to expand the neighborhood's mill overlay district to include another building at the site.




GBH » Sam Turken
Worcester: City manager gets OK to draft inclusion policy

WORCESTER --- City councilors on Worcester’s economic development subcommittee have directed the city manager's office to draft an inclusionary zoning ordinance mandating that a minimum percentage of new housing units within private development projects be affordable for low- and moderate-income households. The affordable housing shortage has left about 50% of Worcester renters cost-burdened, meaning they’re paying over 30% of their income on rent and utilities.




Cyrus Moulton
Worcester: Data show why inclusionary zoning needed

WORCESTER --- Worcester's effort to ease the housing crunch with an inclusionary zoning ordinance is based on data that show that Worcester has grown by 27,000 people in the past 10 years, but only 10,000 units of housing have been created during that time. Of those units, only 500 were designated affordable. An inclusionary zoning ordinance would ensure a certain amount of affordable housing is included in housing development projects.




Mass Live » Tréa Lavery
Worcester: CDC tackles small biz wealth building

WORCESTER --- A proposed commercial development in Worcester’s Main South neighborhood would give local small business owners the opportunity to build generational wealth by helping them purchase their own brick-and-mortar space. The project, supported by the Main South C ommunity Development Corporation, would turn a currently vacant lot into seven affordable rent-to-own commercial spaces,