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Housing Headlines

Showing 2227 - 2232 of 3990




The Cape Codder
Eastham: Driving range housing tees off residents

EASTHAM --- A citizens group led by local insurance agent Scott Kerry have submitted a petition asking the town to take a 10.8 acre Rt. 6 driving range by eminent domain, thereby killing a developer's bid to redevelop the property into 115 units of housing. More than 150 signed the petition. Only 10 certified signatures are needed to place a petitioned article on the town meeting warrant.




Hampshire Gazette
Amherst: TM to mull affordable requirement for 10+ units

AMHERST --- Citing recent developments that will bring over 100 units to downtown but no affordable units, Town Meeting member Vincent O'Connor is proposing a zoning bylaw that would require developers of 10 or more units to set aside 10 percent of the units as affordable.




Dorchester Reporter
Boston: To set up office of housing stability

BOSTON --- To complement the city's goal of building 53,000 housing units by 2030, Mayor Marty Walsh announced at his State of the City address the creation of an Office of Housing Stability that will help coordinate assistance programs to combat rising home prices, keep more homes affordable and help existing residents remain in their homes and the city.




Dorchester Reporter
Dorchester: More apartments near Ashmont T site

BOSTON --- Trinity Financial, the developers of the Carruth Building at the Ashmont MBTA stop, have confirmed that they have funding in place and are prepared to proceed with plans to redevelop the tire shop site across street into 81 units of housing and 4,000 square feet of retail.




The Cape Codder
Orleans: Property owner wants to remake downtown

ORLEANS -- Developer Todd Thayer, who owns 15 acres in downtown Orleans, would like to remake the downtown with several phases of mixed-use development that would add 125 to 225 apartments.




Bay State Banner
Boston: Puts planning focus on red-hot Dudley Square

BOSTON --- Current high-level developer interest in Dudley Square has prompted city officials to move more quickly on crafting an updated plan for the district’s growth. The city said its focus will be on preserving community assets, capitalize on underutilized sites, develop growth strategies that consider current and future residents and review the Roxbury Master Plan to see if it's current with community goals and needs.