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Housing Headlines

Showing 127 - 132 of 3998




Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly » Eric T. Berkman
Salisbury: Judge rules abutters must post bond

A Superior Court judge has ruled that neighbors appealing the issuance of a comprehensive permit for a 76-unit mixed-income condominium project must post a $35,000 bond to cover the costs that the developer might incur in defending against the appeal. The court has a right to require a bond under a provision added to the state zoning act in 2020.




Harvard Press » Valerie Hurley
Harvard: Smart zoning plan could satisfy MBTA law

HARVARD --- The Town of Harvard will open hearings later this month on a proposal to create a smart growth zoning district that would allow Minco Development to move forward with plans to build 243 mixed-income apartments that would addmuch-needed rental housing and could possilby help the town comply with the state's new multifamily zoning requirement for MBTA communities.




Worcester Business Journal » Timothy Doyle
Shrewsbury: 300-unit condo community proposed

SHREWSBURY --- Pulte Homes of New England has informed the town that it plans to seek a Ch. 40B comprehensive land use permit so it can build a 300-unit mixed-income condominium community. The proposal includes 30 three-bedroom homes for families, which one town official hopes to reduce so as to minimize impact on town services.




Patch » Scott Souza
Swampscott: Eyes land for veterans' housing

SWAMPSCOTT --- The town is hoping to create more housing and services for veterans as it will ask voters at spring town meeting to OK the purchase of a commercial property next to the VFW post. The town's plan is to build 30 to 40 units on the property and work with the VFW to build a new post on its site, which is already owned by the town.




Boston Globe » Andrew Brinker
Boston: $138K needed to buy at bottom of market

Despite a good job and a recent raise, Cherise Kenner decided to downsize from a three- to a two-bedroom apartment to save money so she can buy home. She is symbolic of a red-hot housing market where it's estimted a household now needs an income of $138,000 to buy a home in the lower third of the market, up from $96,000 in 2021.




WGBH » Sam Turken
Worcester: 75-year old man avoids homelessness

WORCESTER --- As part of its ongoing "Priced Out" series documenting the fight for housing in Massachusetts, WGBH follows up with Worcester's Dave Vespucci, who struggled to find affordable housing after losing the apartment he had been renting for over 20 years.