Posted on May 4, 2023
Geared toward officials, volunteers and employees in suburban and rural communities, the Housing Institute is a two-day intensive training that engages participants in discussion and problem-solving activities related to the development of affordable housing in Massachusetts.
If you missed Day 1 of MHP's 16th Housing Institute or want to rewatch the entire virtual training, here is the link to the video. Links to individual Day 1 sessions are below.
Here is the link to download presentation slides.

Geared toward officials, volunteers and employees in suburban and rural communities, the Housing Institute is a two-day intensive training that engages participants in discussion and problem-solving activities related to the development of affordable housing in Massachusetts.
9:10-10:25 a.m. – Beyond the Usual Suspects: Eliminating Barriers to Participation for Community Engagement CM1
Lily Linke, MBTA Communities Engagement Manager, Citizens Housing and Planning Association
10:30-11:30 a.m. – A Housing Forward Agenda for Massachusetts CM1
Jenny Schuetz, Senior Fellow, Brookings Metro
11:35-12:35 p.m. – Complete Neighborhoods Partnership Update CM1
Christine Madore, Senior Development Manager, MHP
Katy Lacy, Senior Planner, MHP
9:15-9:30 a.m. – Unlock the Commonwealth, Clark Ziegler, MHP Executive Director
9:30-11:00 a.m. – Plenary Panel Discussion: Examining Senior and Affordable Housing CM1.5
Katherine Einstein, Associate Professor of Political Science, Boston University
Judi Barrett, Owner and Managing Principal, Barrett Planning Group
Lizbeth Heyer, Vice President, 2Life Communities
Facilitated by Whitney Demetrius, Director of Fair Housing Engagement, Citizens Housing and Planning Association
11:15-12:30 p.m. TRACK 1
Local Action Units: Creating and Preserving Locally Supported Affordable Housing CM1
Rieko Hayashi, LIP Program Director, DHCD
Aly Sabatino, LAU Coordinator, DHCD
Lori Massa, Senior Planner, City of Melrose
Elizabeth Rust, Director, RHSO Housing
11:15 -12:30 p.m. TRACK 2
Steps to Leverage Public Land for Affordable Housing CM1
Laura Shufelt, Director of Community Assistance, MHP
Maura Camosse Tsongas, Stone Soup Collaborative
12:45 p.m.-1:45 p.m.
Presentation of Housing Hero Awards, Lisa Braxton, Communications Manager, MHP
1:45-3:00 p.m. Track 1
Exploring Your Community’s Role in Affordable Housing Finance CM1
Julie Creamer, Senior Vice President of Acquisitions, Preservation of Affordable Housing
1:45-3:00 p.m. Track 2
Building Local Fair Housing Capacity CM1
Tom Callahan, Milton Housing Committee, Town of Milton
Alex Train, Director of Housing and Community Development, City of Chelsea
Facilitator: Whitney Demetrius, Citizens Housing and Planning Association
Full program descriptions are posted here. Everyone who attends the Housing Institute will be provided with all presentation materials from the sessions, which they can share with their communities.
For more information, contact MHP’s Christine Madore at 857-317-8538 or