Posted on November 27, 2019

LOWELL --- In an article posted just in time for the Thanksgiving, Lowell Sun reporter Luke O'Roark told the story of Mayelin Saldana, an aspiring nurse who bought her first home five years after she migrated from the Dominican Republic.
This story of hope described all the hard work Saldana did to find a home and a mortgage she could afford. It described the support system MHP's ONE Mortgage provides to help low- and moderate-income buyers like Saldana find the path to sustainable, affordable homeownership and building wealth for their families.
In Saldana's case, the support system included education and guidance from the Merrimack Valley Housing Partnership, support from the City of Lowell and a ONE Mortgage loan from Salem Five Bank, one of over 40 banks in the state that offers the program.
Created in 1990 to address racial disparities in mortgage lending, ONE Mortgage has provided over $3.7 billion in private mortgage financing to help over 21,000 low- and moderate-income families purchase their first home, half to people of color.