June 6 & 7, 2018 at the Devens Common Center
Posted on December 22, 2017
DEVENS --- Save the date for MHP's 12th annual Housing Institute, Wednesday & Thursday, June 6 & 7, 2018 at the Devens Common Center. The Housing Institute is geared towards officials, volunteers and employees in suburban and rural communities. This two-day intensive training actively engages participants in discussion and problem-solving activities around issues related to the development of affordable housing in Massachusetts.
Our Community Assistance team is hard at work to provide you with engaging new sessions and speakers this year. Session descriptions and a draft schedule will be available when registration opens in February.
Last year we were joined by a panel of economic development experts to discuss why their organizations have focused on housing policy. Participants included Jesse Mermell (the Alliance for Business Leadership), Kurt Ochalla (TripAdvisor) and Peter Forman (the South Shore Chamber of Commerce).

Moderated by Clark Ziegler, panelists discussed how high housing costs have impacted workforce retention and development across the state. Presentation material for the 2017 Housing Institute can be found here.
Contact Phil Crean at pcrean@mhp.net or 857-317-8517 for more information about this or any other MHP-sponsored events.