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Workshop series on determining income and eligibility for affordable housing

3 workshops co-sponsored by MHP, MassHousing, DHCD, CHAPA, and FHLBB

Posted on March 3, 2016

BOSTON --- After several successful workshops on Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing (AFHM) and lotteries this fall, MHP has expanded the post-development occupancy series to include three all-day sessions on determining income and eligibility for applicants of affordable housing.

The workshops will be held on the following dates across the state:

  • March 23: Middleborough Town Hall, 10 Nickerson Ave., Middleborough
  • March 30: MassHousing, One Beacon Street, Boston
  • April 13: Sturbridge Host Hotel, 366 Main Street, Sturbridge

All workshops will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Each workshop is the same but will be offered three times so practitioners can attend the one that most suits their location and/or schedule.


Led by representatives from Spectrum Enterprises, Inc., the three workshops will focus on how to determine income and eligibility for applicants of non-Low Income Housing Tax Credit financed affordable housing units. The sessions are designed for potential and current lottery/monitoring agents, non-profit rental owners and managers, municipal and regional housing staff, and rental management staff.

Registration details

Continental breakfast and lunch will be provided. Cost to attend is $100. Participants will receive a training binder and certificate of attendance.

March 23 in Middleborough -- REGISTER

March 30 in Boston -- REGISTER

April 13 in Sturbridge -- REGISTER

Attendance is limited to 50 people per session so register soon!

Additional information

For more information about these events or the post-development occupancy series in general, contact MHP's Carsten Snow at or 857-317-8583.

Co-sponsored by the Massachusetts Housing Partnership (MHP), MassHousing, Citizens Housing and Planning Assocation (CHAPA), the state Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD), and the Federal Home Loan Bank of Boston (FHLBB).