Sign up for Dec. 9 trust training in Worcester
Posted on November 2, 2016
Changes to MAHT statute
BOSTON, Nov 1, 2016 ---This past summer, the Commonwealth took a big step in resolving discrepancies between the Community Preservation Act (CPA) and the Municipal Affordable Housing Trust (MAHT) statutes when Gov. Charlie Baker signed into law An Act Modernizing Municipal Finance and Government (H. 4565). Included in the bill were changes to the MAHT statute, MGL Chapter 44, Section 55c.

Effective on November 7, the new law makes the following changes to how housing trusts function with CPA funding:
- Expands the allowable uses of MAHT expenditures to match all CPA community housing activities.
- Clarifies that all rules and restrictions of Chapter 44B, the Community Preservation Act, remain in force after CPA funds are transferred to a MAHT.
- Requires that trusts track CPA funds separately from other sources and annually account for uses of the funds in the municipality's CP-3 report to the Department of Revenue.
- Authorizes MAHTs to execute grant agreements. Best practice suggests that communities use grant agreements to outline conditions when allocating public funds. With this law, trusts have explicit ability to engage in grant agreements.
These changes - sponsored by Rep. Stephen Kulik and Sen. Barbara L'Italien - will better coordinate interaction between local community preservation committees and trusts and apply to all CPA funds in trust accounts on Nov. 7, as well as all future funds transferred from the CPA.
Housing trust 101 training -- Friday, Dec. 9 in Worcester
We have reached full capacity for this event. Click here to sign up for the waitlist.
Geared toward new MAHT staff, trustees and communities interested in learning about trusts, this daylong training will include information about:
• Forming a housing trust and getting off the ground.
• Establishing credibility for your trust.
• Eligible activities for trusts.
• Legal and operational considerations.
• Strategies for building support for affordable housing.
The event will be held on Friday, Dec. 9 from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (registration begins at 9 a.m.) at the Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission, Union Station, 2 Washington Square, 2nd Floor, Worcester, MA 01604.
The registration fee is $25 and includes coffee/tea and lunch. Click here to see the agenda.