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Publications and Materials

We create publications and workshop materials to help communities, housing authorities, and nonprofits create more affordable housing.

Topics the team has addressed include: how to properly use Community Preservation Act funds and municipal affordable housing trusts, understanding the development process, and how to administer fair housing marketing and resident selection plans.

The Municipal Housing Trust Operations Manual is a companion to MHP's Municipal Affordable Housing Trust guidebook and is intended to help municipal officials delve step-by-step into the details of how to operate new or established housing trusts.

Below are our most recent publications and workshop materials.

For more information, please contact us here.

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To support the state's new zoning requirement for MBTA communities, MHP has launched the Complete Neighborhoods Initiative, a three-pronged effort to support the zoning for the construction of multifamily housing near transit and walkable neighborhoods. Check out our MBTA zoning resource clearinghouse and our Complete Neighborhoods Partnership program to support the creation of mobile-friendly neighborhoods.

Prior to her presentation at the Massachusetts Housing Partnership’s 2021 Housing Institute, Dr. Jessica Trounstine, Troustine sat down with MHP’s Lisa Braxton to discuss how segregation has been sewn in and perpetuated in American cities and the challenges housing advocates face in undoing it.

Our publication on how to envision, shape, get support and succeed with your community's local housing trust. It's easier to read and features new guidance on acceptable uses, new success stories and observations on what works best based on our experience working with volunteer trusts.

MHP manages, a one-stop housing resource web site that explains how to create and execute effective affordable housing strategies and administer concepts like Fair Housing laws and properly conveying public lands for development.



Written in partnership with the state Attorney General’s Office, this publication explains how communities can use receivership to stabilize properties and neighborhoods.


Distressed Properties

MHP has put together materials to help communities develop a step-by-step strategy to assess the health of their neighborhoods, define and quantify particular problems, and development and implement specific strategies to combat disinvestment.