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Housing Headlines

Showing 2773 - 2778 of 3990




Greenfield: State begins to move homeless families out of hotels

GREENFIELD --- A surge of homelessness that forced the state to put Greater Boston families into Greenfield motels and surprised the school system with 96 more students seems to be abating, as the state has begun to move some families back into shelters around Boston.




New Bedford Standard-Times
Acushnet: Local builder to seek 40B to build 36 apartments

ACUSHNET --- Local real estate developer Jose S. Castelo has incidiated he will apply to the town for a Ch. 40B comprehensive permit so he can build 36 rental apartments. Castelo says he's already got the OK to tie into Fairhaven's sewer system and said the project will consist of 18 one-bedroom and 18 two-bedroom apartments. Selectmen have called a special meeting to discuss the plan on Oct. 21 and one selectman has already indicated he would be amenable to the project if it were restricted to people age 55 and over.




MetroWest Daily News
Ashland: Grants EA Fish extension on over-62 housing

ASHLAND --- While nearby residents are pushing the town to adopt an amendment that would direct the town to let an affordable housing agreement expire, selectmen have instead granted developer EA Fish a series of extensions relating to its attempt to acquire land and use a 40B permit to build an over-62, 112-bed project called Robert Hill Way.




Boston Globe (subscription required)
Suburbs: More on resistance to 3-bedroom apartments

On the heels of a special report by Boston University on suburban resistance to three-bedroom apartments, the Boston Globe West edition follows up on the practice of towns getting developers to include fewer units for families in its multi-family development proposals.




Beacon Villager
Maynard: Developer to go 40B route with Digital property

MAYNARD --- After two working sessions with the town failed to produce consensus on how to redevelop a 58-acre former Digital property, Southborough developer William Depietri intends to seek a Ch. 40B comprehensive permit to build 317 apartments on 21 of the acres while still working with the town on how the former computer company property should be developed.