First-time buyer? Check out ONE Mortgage

Contact, Policies, Public Records, RFPs


MHP is located at 160 Federal St., Boston MA. 02110. The main phone number is 617-330-9955 and the general email is If you bought or are representing someone who bought a home with SoftSecond or ONE Mortgage, and are inquiring about paying off your subsidy mortgage, please complete this payoff request checklist and email it and all required documents to

Anonymous Reporting Hotline

MHP is committed to an environment where open, honest communications are the expectation, not the exception. This commitment is essential to providing a safe and secure environment for all members of our community. To support this, MHP partnered with EthicsPoint to offer a toll-free, 24-hour Anonymous Reporting Hotline for reporting compliance or ethical concerns, particularly when other reporting options are not comfortable, suitable, or otherwise available.

You may use any of the following methods to submit a report:

Media Contact

Communications Manager Lisa Braxton is MHP's media contact. She can be reached at , 857-301-1526, or at MHP, 160 Federal St., 2nd Floor, Boston, MA 02110.

Public Records Request & Guidelines

To assist the public in obtaining access to MHP's public records, MHP provides these Public Records Law Guidelines.

Annual Reports

MHP Annual Reports are available online and in print. To view the latest annual report, click here. To view prior annual reports, click here. Contact the Public Records Officer for more information.

Board of Directors Meetings

Here is the schedule of MHP Board of Directors and Executive Committee meetings for 2024. As required, the agenda for upcoming board and committee meetings are always posted on the Board of Directors web page. To review previous board meetings, go to MHP meeting minutes.

Code of Conduct

All MHP board members and staff are subject to the Massachusetts Conflict of Interest Law (M.G.L. c.268A), are provided summaries of the law annually and participate in the State Ethics Commission online training. Senior employees file Statements of Financial Interest with the State Ethics Commission. Staff are also subject to additional MHP policies regarding professional conduct, acceptable use of MHP facilities and equipment, harassment, whistle-blowing, political activity, public records and other issues. For details, click here.

Title VI and Section 504

MHP is committed to providing an environment free from discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, and disability in all of its programs, activities, and services and to upholding the rights of all persons under Title VI and Section 504.

Recruitment & Compensation Policy

MHP has adopted comprehensive policies relating to the recruitment and compensation of its employees. For details on those policies, click here.

Information Security Program

The purpose of MHP's Written Information Security Program is to ensure the security and confidentiality of written information. Click here to read more.

Language Access Plan

The purpose of MHP's Language Access Plan is to ensure meaningful access to all MHP programs for people with limited English proficiency as required by the Title VI Civil Rights Act of 1964. Click here to read more.

Requests For Proposals (RFPs)

Homeownership Subsidy Management System Modernization RFP

The Massachusetts Housing Partnership is seeking a software development provider to assist with a refurbishment, modernization and enhancement of its current loan origination, servicing and subsidy management system.

Responses must be submitted no later than 12:00 p.m. EDT on June 20, 2024, through COMMBUYS or to and If sending submissions through email, electronic copies must be sent securely. If secure email is not available, MHP can provide you with instructions for submission. See the RFP, the proposal worksheets, the Q and A sheet, and the Confidentiality Agreement document.